Thursday, January 1, 2015

How this blog came to be!

In the beginning God made Ken and Diane!

Hello and thanks for checking out my blog! This Blog was inspired by my mom! I am currently taking care of her on hospice and I have needed an "outlet" to get things off my chest. She said, "Start a blog! Talk about your feelings, how things are going, and reviews for products you use to help take care of your family!" So here I am! Blogging! 

On May 30th, 2014 my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 large cell lung cancer. Which just so happened to be her birthday and only 3 months past her mother passing away from a tragic freak accident. She handled things as expected. Cried, became depressed, got angry, then started fighting! I was there going through all of it with her. I always have been there for her. We have been each others backbone and rock for a long time, since I was 15. We went through radiation and Chemo. We went to doctors appointments. We cried and prayed. We had LOTS of help crying and praying! Her best friend even came up for a month at a time at least 2 times since this all began!

Now, all of us that know my mom, knows she is a fighter. She has fought for our family against Satan himself on a daily basis! She is the strongest person I know! To see her go from rough tough sweet mom to this fragile woman that is torn between being sick and tired of being sick and tired and "I gotta fight for my life and family" has taken a lot out on me alone. This fight is all her and God and I know it. But! I have 2 children going through all of this with us, plus my amazing dad and brothers.

This blog is about our daily fight. My mom and I! She wants me to get out what I am going through because just sometimes people really don't understand and can never understand truly what I, myself am going through! Again this was her idea! I will talk about the highs and lows. I will talk about products I am reviewing because that's what I do in my spare time now that I'm not working. This is my life spread out on a blog for all to see. Welcome to the fun!


  1. Thank you for doing this Kelli. Since I am 2000 miles away I cannot help other than continuing to pray...I love your whole family and I behind you 100%!

  2. God Bless you Kelli for all that you do for your Mom. My prayers are with your Mom, you and your family. Stay strong!
